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TOP-electronics offers products directly related to motor- and piezo control. Whenever we need an object on the right time at the right place, we need motion control.

Motion control is the control of position, speed and acceleration. As real objects are involved motion control requires precision and reliability more than most other disciplines. Areas where we can use motion control are medical applications, security, IoT, industrial and printers etc.

TOP-electronics category motion control includes all products directly related to motor control. In this product group there are chips and modules to drive motors, stepper-, BLDC motors and servo systems. To have a good control loop a use of the encoders will be very helpful.

For example: Stepper motors, BLDC controller and driver ICs and modules, PANdrives, AC and DC servo systems.

If you want to be optimally informed about the latest developments or would like to exchange ideas with a product specialist, please contact us.

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