Iscar Benelux

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Several years ago, ISCAR launched a unique and innovative LOGIQ product line – a campaign that brought new families of cutting tools to the world market. These families were designed to address challenges in metalworking industries, from increasing productivity to finding cost-effective indexable alternatives to small-in-diameter solid carbide tools.

Today, ISCAR introduces NEOLOGIQ, a logical extension to the previous campaign comprising of an entire range of advanced products and technological solutions for metal cutting tools – a quantum leap in the field.

What are the main targets of the NEO product lines?
ISCAR believes that NEOLOGIQ provides the answers to typical questions that modern metalworking faces today due to the latest changes in technology. Today, we are witnessing serious upheaval with far-reaching effects on manufacturing.

In preparing for the upcoming changes, ISCAR considers NEOLOGIQ as the next logical step to the cutting tool for the smart factory. ‘Machining with no Boundaries’ is the motto of ISCAR’s NEOLOGIQ products.

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